The Club 4: Displayed (Siren Publishing Allure) Read online

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  Richard meanwhile had bent his head and was sucking on Cassie’s tits while he had his hand between her legs. He pushed her back toward a bench and laid her down on it, then pulled off his clothes.

  “Ah, sweet Cassie. Look at your beautiful body. I am going to fuck you until you scream my name instead of Antony’s.” She giggled at him and he delighted in her, remembering the scared woman she had been the first time they met. He glanced over at Fleur and saw she had Antony’s cock in her mouth and he was pulling at one tit while he pushed his dick in and out her mouth.

  He pushed a finger into Cassie’s hot cunt then licked his fingers. He put her hands on her tits and told her to play with her nipples. She needed no encouragement as she began to twist and pull them while he fucked her pussy with his hand until he decided it was time to fuck her properly. Rolling a condom on, he pushed his cock into her cunt, delighting in her moans. He kept thrusting hard refusing to let her come until he felt himself about to explode.

  “Come, Cassie, come, let me hear you.”

  “Master,” she screamed, “Master,” and he grinned down at her as her tight little cunt muscles grabbed his cock and milked him dry. Meanwhile he could hear Fleur and Antony both coming at once and yelling. He cleaned Cassie and helped her to sit, his arms across her shoulders. They watched as Antony and Fleur walked over to them, Antony giving Cassie a kiss. The four walked over to the bed where most of the others were sprawled.

  Glancing over, Richard saw that Lisa, Paul, and Gabe were in the spa, Lisa between the men. Gabe seemed to have the same fascination with Lisa’s tits that he did. He was still fondling them while they sat together and talked. Not that he blamed him, they were delightful. He grabbed Fleur’s hand then took Cassie’s in his other and dragged them over to join them. Not wanting to miss any fun or conversation, the five on the bed headed over as well, Marc picking up Erin, who started screaming with laughter, and jumping in with her. Everyone was laughing and joking, with the twins flirting outrageously with all the women until everyone began to relax and rest.

  Antony spoke up. “Bryan, my brother, is talking about coming back. He is looking to rent something until he finds a house he likes.”

  “Is he still with Robert?” Paul asked.

  “No, they split up about two years ago. It will be good to see him again.”

  “So Bryan will be joining The Club?”

  “I imagine so. You know Bryan, he loves the lifestyle.”

  Fleur giggled. “Now I have to find a cute guy for him.”

  Antony rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, “Oh gee, I bet he will be overjoyed at that, Fleur.”

  She stuck out her tongue to him and he grinned back.

  “No luck in finding yourselves a good woman to keep you in line yet?” Fleur asked Marc.

  He looked over at his brother. “No, not yet.”

  Fleur looked from one to the other. “Okay, what is it you’re not telling us.”

  Everyone looked at the twins. Marc shrugged his shoulders and Gabe said, “Nothing.”

  “Ha! I can spot when someone isn’t telling me everything.”

  “That’s true, she can,” Richard groaned. “Won’t tell you how many times I have been caught out. It is almost impossible to keep a secret from her.”

  Ty looked from one brother to the other, and then a grin lit up his face.

  “Kendra, you guys have got the hots for Kendra!”

  “What!” Fleur looked at Ty then the twins. “When did you see Kendra?”

  “They were with us tonight when she came in and performed. They disappeared after her.”

  Richard looked concerned. “Boys, she is special. I don’t want you hassling her. She doesn’t talk to anyone and we are trying to find out if she is all right.”

  Gabe looked over at Marc and then spoke. “We know. Lynne spoke to her tonight.”

  “What? Lynne had a conversation with her. You sure?”

  “Yes,” Gabe said and then Marc spoke.

  “She told us that Kendra has promised to consider seeing her professionally.”

  Gabe nodded and continued seriously. “She wants us to behave and stay back. We will. However, she is meant for us, okay? No one is to touch her.”

  Fleur looked at Richard in surprise.

  The twins were often thought of as rowdy, flirtatious, and immature but their friends knew it was just a façade, an act they played. In fact, they were mature, caring, and honest. If they said they would do something, then they would. Still, the others could not imagine anyone getting close to Kendra and that included the twins.

  “Just don’t get your hopes up, guys. I am not sure that anyone will be able to get close to Kendra.”

  “We know, Richard, but just realise we are serious about this.”

  “Yeah, we will do whatever it takes to win her over.”

  Richard looked from one to another, it was obvious they were deadly serious. Somehow, they meant to win over the shyest girl in the world.

  Ty spoke up. “You know what? We’ll help.” The others all nodded their heads as Ty went on. “We need to get Lynne on your side.”

  Richard took charge. “The most important thing is to do whatever Lynne tells you. We have been trying to get her to talk to us for over six months. I’ll talk to Lynne tomorrow and ask her if she can tell me when, or rather if, Kendra asks for help.”

  “Thanks, everyone.”

  Chapter Four

  The next morning, before she could change her mind, Kendra rang The Club and asked if she could leave a message for Lynne or else get her contact number. She explained that she was a Club member. She was put on hold for a moment then a male voice spoke.

  “Hello, Richard Grant here. You wanted to contact Lynne Thompson?” Kendra almost hung up but gripped the phone tightly instead.

  “Yes. My name is Kendra Fletcher. I am a member there and she asked me last night to contact her but I don’t have any details.”

  Richard punched the air! He was so pleased. Normally he would never give details over the phone but this was different and important.

  “Certainly, Ms. Fletcher. Do you have a pen?”

  “Yes. I’m ready.” Richard dictated Lynne’s number, said good-bye and hung up. He had his fingers crossed that Kendra would ring Lynne. Maybe the twins coming had somehow changed things.

  He sent a quick text message to Lynne to let her know what he had done. A few minutes later, she responded saying how pleased she was and thanking Richard.

  * * * *

  Kendra took a deep breath. This was it, and she had to do it. She dialled the number and when Lynne answered, she explained who she was. She was surprised at the warmth she heard in Lynne’s voice, as if she was glad to hear from her. Well, she wondered if she would still be glad when she heard Kendra’s story.

  “Kendra, I have had a cancellation this afternoon. Is there any chance you could come in and see me around three?” It sounded as if Lynne was determined to get Kendra there as soon as possible and since she had no appointments after three, she hoped Kendra would agree. Kendra was silent for a moment.

  “Would you prefer some other time, Kendra?”

  “No. No, I can come this afternoon.”

  “Wonderful.” Lynne gave her the address and told her she was looking forward to chatting before hanging up.

  Kendra sat with the phone in her hand for a few minutes. She wanted to ring back and cancel but knew she really had to try to sort her life out. At the moment, it was no life. The rest of the morning flew past, she could not face eating lunch, and instead she made a coffee and sat on the back steps.

  Kendra had a dog, a huge monster who was the biggest softie out there. She followed her outside and sat beside Kendra, putting her head on her lap. It was comforting to know Bella did not care about her past or her future. She only cared about now and being with her mistress, her love unconditional.

  Kendra sat rubbing the dog’s ears. She often wondered what she would do without her. S
he was her lifeline, her confidante. She had found her over eight years ago as a tiny puppy dumped on the side of the road, she had no idea she would grow into the giant she was but she did not care, she loved her dearly. She was worried though, because Bella was a very old dog by wolfhound standards, and she could not bear to think she may die.

  She got to her feet regretfully after an hour and went inside. Time to change and leave for her appointment. Her stomach was filled with butterflies. Kendra took a deep breath and knew she was doing the right thing.

  Once she was ready, she put Bella out into the backyard, picked up her keys, and left the house. She drove downtown to the address Lynne had given her, managing to find a parking space in a nearby side street. She walked up to the office block and took the lift to Lynne’s rooms.

  Kendra almost turned tail and ran but someone came out of the office just then and held the door open for her, she had no option but to enter. The receptionist smiled up at her as she walked to the desk.

  “I have an appointment. My name is Kendra Fletcher.”

  “Yes, thanks, Ms. Fletcher. I just need some details from you.” She asked for Kendra’s address and contact details along with her birth date. “Can you also sign this permission form? Ms. Thompson records your sessions. It is easier for her to transcribe later than take notes.”

  Kendra signed the form, and then stood nervously.

  “Ms. Thompson won’t be long. You are her last appointment. If you would like to take a seat.”

  Kendra perched on the edge of a sofa nervously looking at the carpet in front of her. After about ten minutes, she heard the door open and a man come out, say good-bye to the receptionist and leave. Kendra felt like being sick, she was so worried.

  “You can go in now, Ms. Fletcher.”

  On very shaky legs, Kendra walked into the room. Lynne Thompson stood, smiled warmly at her, and asked her to sit down, indicating an armchair. There were two near each other plus a large desk with a chair in front and one behind and a coffee table. On one wall was a large bookshelf, while another held a cabinet, which had cups and a kettle. Kendra walked over and sat gingerly on one of the armchairs.

  “Hello, Kendra. I am so pleased you were able to see me today.” Lynne took the other chair, and she looked genuinely pleased to see Kendra. “Would you like something to drink?”

  Kendra shook her head. “No, no, thank you,” she whispered.

  “Kendra, I know you are probably feeling very nervous, but try and relax. We can just talk about whatever you would like to. I certainly won’t force you to discuss anything. Okay?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  Kendra did not know what to say, how to start talking. She looked at Lynne then she looked back down at the floor.

  “Did you get home safely? No one else bothered you?”

  Kendra was thankful to Lynne for starting the conversation.

  “No, it was…it was very nice of you to take those men away.”

  “Did they frighten you?”

  She nodded, then took a deep breath. “Not really frightened but they wanted me to speak to them. They said they wanted to say hello to me.”

  “Why would that scare you, Kendra?”

  “Why would they want to speak to me?”

  “Well, I imagine it is because you are a very beautiful woman and they are men.” Lynne smiled, but Kendra was startled at her words.

  “Beautiful? Me?” She shook her head. “I wouldn’t know what to say to them. Anyway if they knew me they wouldn’t.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Kendra was silent for at least five minutes. Lynne looked content to wait and not push her. Finally Kendra sighed and looked up at Lynne.

  “There is something wrong with me.” Lynne waited.

  “Something happened to me when I was younger.” Her voice was barely audible. She looked grief-stricken.

  “Would you like to tell me about it, Kendra, or would you rather talk about something else?”

  Lynne seemed to be almost holding her breath as she waited for Kendra to answer.

  Without realising it, Kendra’s eyes filled with tears and they ran down her cheeks. “He did it to me.”

  Her voice caught as she gave a sob. Lynne passed her a tissue and waited. Kendra wiped her eyes then looked at Lynne. She saw that there was kindness in her face and no pressure. Maybe it was time. For the next three quarters of an hour, Kendra poured it all out. Sometimes she stood, sometimes she sat and stared at the floor, but finally it was done. She had told her story.

  She felt emotionally drained. It was the first time she had told anyone the whole sordid thing. The police knew parts, her old counsellor knew some things, but now she had told Lynne everything. She looked up at Lynne. Lynne smiled at her, she smiled in friendship, and Kendra was stunned.

  She had expected Lynne to look shocked, to look with disgust at Kendra but there was none of that.

  “Thank you, Kendra. Thank you for trusting me with your life story. I have to say I’m amazed at how strong and brave you are. I hope you realise that nothing that has happened is your fault.”

  Kendra nodded halfheartedly.

  “I am guessing you would love to be able to interact with other people, that you would like to be what you consider normal.”

  Kendra could only stare.

  “Well, maybe if you and I work together we can help you.” Kendra looked at Lynne. She was not judging her. Instead, she was offering to work and help her.

  “Do you…I am…will you?”

  “I most certainly will.” Impulsively, Kendra held out her hand and Lynne put hers in it.

  “There, you have made the first step. You have allowed someone to touch you with your permission.”

  Kendra gave a weak little giggle. Lynne stood.

  “Sit there. I think we both deserve a drink. Would you like a tea or a coffee or perhaps something cold?”

  “A coffee please, white with sugar.”

  Lynne moved over to cabinet and set the jug to boil. Opening the cabinet, Kendra saw it was a small fridge. When the water boiled, Lynne made them both a coffee and, carrying them over, set them on the table in front of them. They sat in comfortable silence and drank.

  “Will you come and talk to me some more, Kendra?”

  “Yes, yes, I will.” She paused then looked down at the floor while whispering, “Do you think I will ever be able to talk to someone? You know, like those men?”

  “The twins? They are lovely men. I have known them for many years, until they moved away for their work. Now they have moved back into the area.”

  “Yes,” Kendra whispered. She had thought about them a few times. “They seemed nice.”

  * * * *

  Lynne tried to hide a smile. If she knew those two had their eye on her, Kendra would head for the hills.

  “So, Kendra, when was the last time you spoke to someone, when you initiated a conversation that had nothing to do with buying something?”

  Kendra looked startled. “Um…I can’t remember. It scares me. I keep thinking they know about my past and will judge me.”

  “Well, how about between now and the next time we talk, you say hello to six people. Just six people. Do you think you could do that?”

  Poor Kendra, Lynne felt so sorry for her. She looked like a deer caught in headlights but she took a breath and said, “I can try, I guess.”

  “That is all I ask, Kendra, just try. If it is too hard for you, it will be fine if you don’t. This isn’t an order, just a suggestion. It is just a little step.”

  “I will, I will try.”

  “Great. When would you like to come and see me again? Maybe next week?”

  “Can I come on Thursday?”

  Lynne stood and checked her appointments. “How about the same time?”

  “Thank you, yes.”

  “What type of work do you do, Kendra? Do you have friends you work with?”

  “I work from home. I type up other people’s work
like their theses, novels, and stuff. I also do some proofreading. I don’t know anyone, only see people at The Club.”

  “Is there anyone there you talk with?”

  She shook her head. “I only go there and do…um…I mean, I just do things and go.”

  “If you were to say hello to someone at The Club, then perhaps you would only have to speak to four others outside. They are all nice people who would never push you, Kendra.”

  “I’ll think about it.” She stood and held out her hand to Lynne. “Thank you. I…I have never told anyone the full story before.”

  Lynne took her hand in both of hers. “I am honoured you told me, Kendra. I promise I will do everything I can to help you. We will work together.”

  Kendra nodded her head and then scurried out from the office.

  Chapter Five

  Lynne sat back down and thought about all she had been told. What Kendra had endured in her life overwhelmed her.

  Lynne spent the next few hours transcribing the tape from Kendra’s session. She was confident she could help her get back a normal life. Whether Kendra could overcome all her fears and challenges was really up to her. It would depend on just how willing she was. She made herself another coffee then sat down in one of the armchairs to think about what Kendra had told her.

  Kendra was thirty-nine years old, soon turning forty. She had a normal, although very strict childhood until her mother had died when she was eight, and she had no other siblings. After her mother died, Kendra’s father became verbally and physically abusive toward Kendra. They lived in an old house on acreage, in a small country town. Her father grew a few crops, which he sold locally.

  About a year after her mother died, her father started to physically abuse her. At first it was occasionally, but gradually it increased to daily. He also began to sexually and mentally abuse her, even encouraging his mates.