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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 5
An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Read online
Page 5
Isabella didn’t answer.
“Ha, you did. All the more reason to say yes.”
“I refuse to.”
“What’s he look like?”
“No comment.”
“Come on, Issie, spill it.”
“No. Just take it from me that he’s awful and mean and I won’t be posing for him under any circumstances.”
“Okay, have it your way but tell me this. When was the last time you were really attracted to a man and I don’t mean your ex-husband because I know you weren’t all that attracted to him.”
Isabella was silent for a minute then grudgingly said, “When I was nineteen and look how that turned out?”
Erica’s voice softened. “Oh, Issie. I didn’t think. I’m sorry but I still think you should call him.”
“No, I can’t.” In a little voice shamefully Isabella said, “I told him to shove his bull up his arse.”
Laughter echoed down the phone.
“I love it!”
“Stop laughing!”
“I’m sorry. Issie, I think you should see him. You’ve locked yourself away for far too long. You deserve a chance at love.”
“Come on, Issie, not everyone is the same as the creep you married and definitely not like that first idiot you got involved with.” Erica’s voice changed and Isabella could hear the concern in it. “You’ve completely shut yourself off from men for some reason. You won’t tell me why. It’s not natural. Issie, you’ve been alone for far too long. I worry about you.”
Isabella shook her head as she said, “I’m not prepared to risk it. I’ve gotten used to being celibate. I’ve gotten used to being alone and I like it.”
Erica’s sarcastic snort echoed down the phone.
“Gee, you can’t even lie properly, Issie.”
“I’m not doing it and that’s final. Anyway, somewhere there has to be another Spanish fighting bull in the country. I just have to find it.”
“Well, good luck. In the meantime you need to think about Gabriel.”
“He’s the last thing I want to think about, Erica.”
Erica was still giggling as she hung up but Isabella felt upset. She’d really been attracted to Gabriel but he’d just seen her as someone to pose for him. On top of that every hidden sexual dirty secret she’d tried to ignore was now fighting for her attention.
No, she wouldn’t be backing down.
Chapter Four
“Well, you really handled that well, Gabe.”
Gabriel just glared at Ian, who had returned into the studio after seeing Isabella off.
“Geez, did you have to be so rude? If you’d just done some negotiating she would have agreed to model for you.” It had been a long time since Ian was this angry with Gabriel. He shouted, “But no, you had to act like a fucking spoilt kid and try blackmail!”
“I want her.”
“Well, guess what, genius? You just blew it. For once in your fucking life why the hell didn’t you act like a fucking normal person instead of a demanding fucking know-it-all?”
The pair of them shouted at each other, standing with about a metre between them.
“For fuck’s sake, Ian. I’m not going to pussy foot around. Never have and never will. You just get that gorgeous wildcat back here.”
Ian snorted and shook his head.
“It ain’t gonna happen. A little tact, a little diplomacy, and she would have agreed to model.” He turned away and began walking out in disgust but then turned to look at Gabriel. Furiously he shouted, “You know what really irks? She was going to do the job until she met you, you fucking prick!”
Gabriel just looked at him in stunned silence.
Ian left the room and walked down the hallway and out into the bright sunshine. He felt exasperated. Gabriel never had much in the way of tact but today’s episode was the worst. Ian was doubtful he’d be able to fix this one. He reached his car and opened the door when Gabriel shouted.
“How do I get her?”
Ian looked back at the man who was both his best friend and his client.
“Honest?” He shook his head. “I don’t think you can.”
Gabriel reached Ian’s side.
“I need her, Ian. I love the way she stood up to me. She’s perfect, not to mention she’s bloody beautiful as well. She’s fucking exciting.”
“Yes she is, but you insulted her and then tried to blackmail her. Hang on.” Ian looked as if his vision suddenly cleared. “You arsehole, you egged her on!”
“I couldn’t help myself. Did you see the way she almost clawed me? She’s so alive, she looked so wild.”
“You idiot, now your name is mud as far as she’s concerned.”
“Well, fix it.”
“Sorry, Gabe, there’s only one person who can try to fix this and that’s you.”
“Me? How?”
“Gee, Gabe!” Ian felt frustrated. “You could try apologising for being a fucking arsehole, for starters.”
“Do you think that’d work?”
“Probably not, but at least she’d have the satisfaction of knowing you knew exactly what a prick you are.”
“Thanks for fucking nothing, Ian.”
Both men were still angry as they just scowled at each other.
Ian snorted and said furiously, “You’re welcome.”
He slid into his seat. He started the car and looked at Gabriel standing alongside, now looking slightly lost. He couldn’t remember the last time his friend hadn’t got what he wanted. The man was usually a smooth talker when he really wanted something. Yes, he could be arrogant and demanding but usually he knew when to lay on the charm. He shook his head. It wasn’t his problem anymore.
He reversed out. Gabriel tapped the side of the car and gave a half-hearted wave as Ian drove down the gravel drive. Ian felt really sorry for Isabella. He had his doubts she’d find another Spanish bull locally. Calling Erica on his hands-free mobile as he drove, Ian told her what happened. Since meeting her he’d found himself thinking about her a lot. At the party the other night he’d discovered she was single and now he wondered if there was a chance she’d go out with him.
“I’m really sorry, Erica. I honestly don’t know what got into him.”
“Not your fault. I’ll talk to Isabella and see if there’s any chance she might change her mind.”
“Thanks, Erica. I’ve told Gabriel he needs to apologise but I have no idea if he will.”
“It might help.”
“Okay. Well, I’ll let you know if anything happens from my end.”
“Thanks and I’ll do the same. Bye.”
He hung up, wondering if there was any chance this could be salvaged to everyone’s satisfaction. The phone rang when he’d almost reached his home.
Gabriel’s voice was resigned as he said, “Ian. Give me her address and number.”
“I hope you’ll be polite,” Ian warned.
“Always am.”
Ian couldn’t hold back the snort of derision as he replied, “That’ll be the day. I’m almost home so I’ll text you her number and address when I get there.”
“Thanks. I need her and…Shit, Ian, she turned me on.”
Ian burst out laughing as he hung up and thought he’d like to be a fly on the wall when Gabriel contacted Isabella. He got the impression that she wasn’t a pushover and could give as good as she got. When he reached home and put his car away, he texted her details across to Gabriel. Ten minutes later his phone rang again—Erica.
“Guess what?”
“She said yes?”
“No, she actually reinforced her refusal but I did discover she’s actually attracted to him.”
Shocked, Ian asked, “What? You’re joking.”
“Nope. She didn’t actually confirm it but she didn’t deny it either. I’d say that’s the main reason why she won’t agree.”
. Thanks for letting me know. Gabriel told me she, quote, ‘turned him on.’ Sounds like these two are destined for some fireworks. He’s got her number, said he’ll contact her to apologise. I don’t know how that will go.”
“Knowing Issie, not good.”
“Well, thanks for letting me know.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Say, I don’t suppose you’d like to have dinner with me tonight? We could discuss tactics.”
“Sorry, I can’t.” Ian felt disappointed but then grinned in delight as she said, “But how about lunch tomorrow? I have a business meeting tonight.”
“That’s great! I’ll pick you up from your office at twelve.”
“Can I meet you at a restaurant? I’m seeing a client in the morning so will be out.”
“That’s fine. I’ll book us into Pink Salt.”
“Thanks. See you then. Bye.”
Ian couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as he put his phone down.
* * * *
Gabriel walked back into the studio after Ian left. He was furious—with himself, with Ian but most of all with Isabella. Why on earth couldn’t she just pose for him? It wasn’t as if it was new to her. As soon as he’d seen her and heard her name he knew who she was.
Anyone in the art world who painted nudes knew the famous “Issie” Coburn. She had probably been the most sought after Rubenesque model. She was one of those models who never complained and was always professional. Her curvy figure could bring a man to his knees. Being the best she demanded, and deserved, the huge fees she got. She’d worked with some of the most talented artists in the business. Gabriel had never had the pleasure of working with her because she retired from the modelling world thirteen or so years ago when Gabriel was thirty-five and starting to make his mark in the art world. Now the world was at his feet but the one model he wanted didn’t want him. He picked up a handful of brushes and angrily threw them across the room in frustration.
On top of all that the woman looked so gorgeous. A combination of amazing light green eyes and long auburn hair. She had rich full lips that begged to be kissed. Her figure was something that had Gabriel wanting to see more of. He could imagine her naked and knew it would be hard to resist those luscious curves. Her eyes had been filled with fire when she stood up to him. His mind went into overdrive imagining her stretched out on his bed, her hands tied while he did every delicious thing he could think of to her body. His cock swelled uncomfortably in his jeans.
The way she’d gone at him—like a spitfire. He almost heard that beautiful red hair crackling with anger. At first she seemed excited by him but then when she’d got angry it was all he could do not to pull her close and kiss her. This woman would give as good as she got. She turned him on big time. He hadn’t been able to resist urging her anger on, she delighted him and he’d riled her up on purpose.
So how to get her to pose for him?
Once he had her in the studio he would try to seduce her. Obviously Ferdinand was the key. Should he ring and apologise or should he go to her house?
He’d never done this before. Gabriel checked the address Ian had given him. It wasn’t far away. Maybe he should just drive over there and be done with it. Before he had a chance to change his mind, he locked up the studio and grabbed his car keys and wallet. The drive over didn’t take long.
Entering her driveway, he saw an amazing life-sized bronze of a running horse in the paddock. He slowed down to admire the way the mane and tail streamed out. He could almost hear the pounding hooves, the sound of the horse breathing heavily as it ran. He was pretty sure it was a “Leigh Price” original. Modelling must have paid extremely well for Isabella if she could afford this house and such a large “Leigh Price.”
Slowly moving forward, he was surprised to find she lived in a lovely old two storey farmhouse. He parked at the front of the main house. Going up to the front door, he rang the bell. No answer. Banging on the door still gave no reply. Maybe she’d gone out. He’d try the back door first. Walking around the side of the house, he heard music coming from a large building attached to the main house by a covered walkway. Heading across the cobble-stoned courtyard, he walked inside, entering a room with a doorway leading to another room. He recognised the music as Pink Floyd’s “Shine on You Crazy Diamond.” Gabriel loved that song. Obviously Isabella did, too.
She had her back to him. She swayed in time to the music as she threw lumps of clay onto an ever-growing pile on a stand in front of her. With each throw her arm would come back and she’d forcefully slam the lump down. He could hear her, with each slam she was actually growling.
“Fuck Mister Artist.”
“Stupid arsehole blackmailer.”
“You can’t see the bull.”
Her voice was sarcastically sing-song with that phrase. Slam.
“Arrogant bastard.”
Gabriel felt a chuckle bubbling up. Listening to her and watching her work out her anger was so funny and a delight. He got his laughter under control and walked closer.
He gave a loud cough then said, “Excuse me.”
Startled, she turned quickly to face him then her green eyes narrowed behind her clay-covered glasses. Fire seemed to burst from her eyes as she glared.
“You! Get out!” she screamed at him and had a lump of clay in her hand and Gabriel was a little worried he might end up wearing it. He held his hands out in a gesture of peace.
“I came to apologise.”
“Get fucked!” she stormed.
“Please, Isabella. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have tried to blackmail you into posing.”
“Damn right you shouldn’t,” she shouted at him.
“You’re welcome to see Ferdinand anytime you like.”
Isabella put her hands on her hips and glowered at him.
“Oh yeah? What’s the catch? I have to lie naked before you?”
“No catch, but perhaps we could discuss your posing at some time.”
“Like I told you, no. You can stick that idea up your conceited arse.”
“Please, Isabella, I really am sorry. We got off on the wrong foot.”
“Get out. I don’t accept your apology.” She dropped the clay onto the table then pulled off her glasses. “The only reason you’re here is because you’re trying to figure out a way to get me to pose, you’re not really sorry.”
“I am sorry. Honestly I am.” He tried to sound and look contrite.
She snorted at him and Gabriel realised she could see straight through him. This wasn’t going to work. Time for plan B. Of course that was a problem—he didn’t have a plan B.
“Now please leave. I’m very busy.”
Gabriel glanced around the large room. Something nagged in the back of his mind. Something about Issie the model and a vague rumour about what she now did. He tried to remember but had no luck. Looking back at her, she looked magnificent.
Her face flushed from her anger, those green eyes flashed at him as she faced him. She had a clay smear down one cheek with her flaming red hair coming out of the braid and her hands were still on her hips with her glasses dangling from one finger. Resisting the urge to grab her and kiss those beckoning lips was hard. She turned her back on him and picked up another lump of clay. Throwing it down, she muttered something under her breath and Gabriel felt pretty sure it was something very unflattering about him.
Gabriel watched her. She had a pair of old tattered jeans on and a tight T-shirt, her feet bare. He watched the way her muscles played as she threw the clay, the way the round globes of her bottom pressed tightly against her jeans when she bent down. The more he saw her, the more he wanted her and not just to pose. He had the compulsion to strip her and tie her, wanted to smack that arse until she begged for mercy. His cock felt so painful in his jeans he doubted anything short of fucking her would make it go down. She threw about five more lumps then glanced behind.
r /> “You still here?” she asked, her voice syrupy sweet.
“Yes. Can’t we start again?” he asked her apologetically.
“We can start by you saying good-bye and leaving.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Gee, why not? It’s easy. You say ‘good-bye.’ You walk out the door and drive away into the sunset.”
The sarcasm in her voice was impossible to miss.
“Isabella, please. What can I do? I’ve said I’m sorry. I’ve agreed you can see Ferdinand any time you want.”
Hands on her hips, she shouted, “You can go to hell!”
She turned back at the pile in front of her. Gabriel realised he was fighting a losing battle. Time to regroup and work out a new strategy.
“Well, good-bye then.”
She grunted at him but didn’t even turn around. Gabriel walked out and trudged back to his car. He sat behind the wheel for about ten minutes. With no idea what to do next he guessed he’d have to leave now but he’d talk to Ian and see if he had any suggestions. He doubted his idea to grab her and throw her over his shoulder would work but the image in his head was delightful. He rang Ian.
“Well, your idea to apologise didn’t work. What’s plan B?”
“What happened? Did you ring her?”
“No, I drove over. I was well behaved and apologised profusely. Told her she could see Ferdinand any time she liked.”
“She told me to go to hell.”
Ian laughed.
“Stop laughing and sort this out,” he said petulantly.
Joking, Ian said, “Maybe you should just kidnap her.”
“I thought of that but I don’t think the lovely Isabella would appreciate it.”
“No, I don’t imagine she would.”
“Ah, but it’s a beautiful thought. Anyway, I’m going home. I expect you to come up with a brilliant idea to solve this.”
“Thanks for nothing.”
Gabriel drove with images of a naked Isabella tossed over his shoulder or tied to his bed posts. He didn’t stop smiling until he got home then realised it wouldn’t be happening.
Chapter Five